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Orthopedic Surgeons, Pain Management Physicians, and Physical Therapists often prescribe Standard and Deluxe Envelope Arm Slings for patients following an injury or post-operative procedure involving hands, wrists, arms, or shoulders. Our Universal Envelope Arm Slings provide both support and comfort while facilitating recovery and can also help to eliminate the weight of a heavy arm cast. The Deluxe Arm Slings have a fully padded shoulder strap for added comfort. Clint Orthopedics has available both Standard and Deluxe Envelope Arm Slings in most sizes.


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Quantity Order # Deluxe Arm Slings 1
CP-DAS-00US Deluxe Arm Sling - Pediatric $8.89

CP-DAS-01US Deluxe Arm Sling - SM $8.89

CP-04-5080413 Deluxe Enveloped Arm Sling - MD $9.99

CP-04-5080414 Deluxe Enveloped Arm Sling - LG $10.49

CP-04-0000347 Deluxe Enveloped Arm Sling - XL $10.49

Quantity Order # Standard Envelope Arm Slings 1
CP-04-0205101 Envelope Arm Sling - SM $9.29

CP-04-0205102 Envelope Arm Sling - MD $9.29

CP-04-0205103 Envelope Arm Sling - LG $9.29

CP-04-0205104 Envelope Arm Sling - XL $9.29

Quantity Order # Deluxe Sling and Swathe 1
CP-04-5044051 Deluxe Sling and Swathe - Universal $11.19