Oral Medications
Physicians and other Medical Providers from most every medical specialty either administer or prescribe a variety of Oral or PO (by mouth) medications to patients in their daily practice. These medications are given to aid in either the treatment or prevention of any number of disease states. The most common and convenient route of administration is said to be Oral because it is non-invasive and does not require any devices or medical training by the patient or caregiver to ingest. Oral medications do require that the patient's GI tract is functioning properly so that the medication will absorb into the bloodstream in a timely manner. Oral medications are manufactured in pill, capsule, tablet, and liquid form. Clint Pharmaceutical's Oral Medication inventory includes but is not limited to Analgesics, Antacids, Antibiotics, and Anti-Inflamatories.
Non-narcotic Oral Analgesics, such as Acetaminophen, treat pain due to headaches, fever, and muscle ache, and are available in tablet, capsule, or liquid form.
As low as $7.97
Oral Antacids, such as Tums and Pepto-Bismol, treat the symptoms of acid indigestion, reflux, and heartburn, and are available in tablet, capsule, or liquid form.
As low as $5.51
Physicians prescribe Oral Antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, available in tablet, capsule, or liquid form, to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections.
As low as $18.08
Physicians commonly use anti-inflammatory Oral NSAIDS, such as Motrin, Advil, Naproxen, and Aspirin (as a tablet, capsule, or liquid), to treat acute or chronic pain.
As low as $7.32
Other Oral Medications
Clint Pharmaceuticals offers Other Oral Medications, including but not limited to, those which treat high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, and pulmonary concerns.
As low as $2.61