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Nerve Block

Nerve Block

Interventional Pain Management Physicians, PM&R's, Radiologists, and Anesthesiologists use Nerve Block Procedural Trays both with and without Quincke Procedural needles. Some physicians may prefer trays without needles to drop in a patient-specific needle when administering an Interventional Pain Management injection. Quincke Nerve Block Procedural Trays and Quincke AccuTrays contain various quantities, gauges and lengths of Quincke Procedural needles depending on a physician's preference and the specific procedure. Clint Pharmaceutical's Nerve Block Procedural Tray line includes thirty-two different tray component variations. One Nerve Block Procedural Tray contains procedural medications, and two are Osha Compliant Nerve Block Universal Safety Trays.

Quincke Needles

Quincke Needles

Our Nerve Block Trays with Quincke needles contain various quantities, gauges and lengths of Quincke needles depending on a physician's preference and the specific procedure performed.

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Universal - No Procedural Needle

Universal - No Procedural Needle

Our universal nerve block trays do not contain procedural needles or LOR syringes. This allows physicians to drop in a patient specific needle or syringe when administering an injection.

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