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Other Injectables

Other Injectables

Medical Practitioners from a diverse range of specialties use a wide variety of Injectable Pharmaceuticals in their medical practices. These include but are not limited to Women's Health Meds, Muscle Relaxers, Anti-Cancer Medications, Anti-Convulsive Meds, Cardiovascular Meds, Hemopoietic Meds, glucose elevating agents, Pulmonary Meds, and Nutritional Therapy. Clint Pharmaceuticals offers a comprehensive line of these high quality/low-cost Injectable Medications to meet needs of most Medical Practitioners in their everyday practice.



Medical Practitioners use injectable furosemide (Lasix), a powerful diuretic, either IM or IV, in situations that require rapid or massive mobilization of fluid.

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Muscle Relaxer

Muscle Relaxer

Medical Practitioners administer different types of injectable Muscle Relaxers to treat a number of musculoskeletal conditions or as a procedural medication prior to surgery.

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Tuberculin Tests

Tuberculin Tests

Physicians administer Tuberculin Tests in patients requiring an annual screening for TB or for those that suspect exposer to the bacteria and may or may not be symptomatic.

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Women's Health Medications

Women's Health Medications

Physicians often administer various injectable medications that specifically target the female population including Hormone Replacement Therapy and ovulation stimulating hormones.

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Crash Cart Injectables

Crash Cart Injectables

Emergency medical supplies at all medical facilities should include crash cart injectables for treating various cardiac, respiratory, or anaphylactic emergencies.

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Additional Injectables

Additional Injectables

Clint Pharmaceuticals offers a comprehensive line of non-narcotic Injectable Medications to meet needs of most Medical Practitioners in their everyday practice.

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IV Injectables

IV Injectables

Medical Practitioners often administer IV Solution Additives to patients presenting with a variety of medical conditions ranging from insulin hypoglycemia to shock or severe dehydration.

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